Caribou County

Obituaries 1930-1934


LEONARD CLARENCE CHILDS died 6 Jan 1930 at the home of his sister, Mrs. Swanson, in Soda. Funeral 8 Jan 1930. He was born in Chester, Utah 16 Jan 1885. He was the tenth child in a family of thirteen. Oct 14 1914 he married Martha Nelson of Ishpeming, Michigan. Burial in Mound Cemetery.

Survivors: wife and the following brothers & sisters, J. E. Childs, F. I. Childs, V. C. Childs, Arthur Childs, O. C. Childs, Mrs. Hanna Swenson, Miss Lydia Childs, Mrs. Mary Madsen & Mrs. A. G. Larsen.

FRANK MILES, 32, died in the Caribou hospital in Soda 1 Feb 1930. Survived by his wife & his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Dan Miles of Grace [Idaho]. His wife was formerly Caroline Bybee.

VIVIAN ANNA MARCOE, dau of Mr. & Mrs. E. E. Marcos died 5 March 1930 in Soda hospital. She was born in Havre, Montana 30 July 1901 (28 yrs old). She married Otto Warren in Wyo. Nov 1923, Two children were born to this union, Shirley 5 yr old; Charles 4 yrs old. Also survived by her father & step-mother, Mr. & Mrs. E. E. Marcoe & by her twin sister, Mrs. Verona (Fred) Ellis. A younger sister, Loretta, passed away 4 yrs ago.

SOPHIA NORSTROM died 9 March 1930 in Soda. She was born at Fairview, Utah 18 May 1874, the dau of Bishop Omasa and Anetta Tucker. She married Hyrum Stewart in 1891. He died 1894. Leslie Stewart & Mrs. Gladys Johnson are surviving children of this marriage. In 1899 she married Peter Norstrom. Eight children of this union are surviving: Ined Fryer, Jay Stephenson, Elma Beck, Annetta Lloyd, Loran, Glen, Leon and Orpha Norstrom.

CHARLES N. ELLIS died 6 March1930 at his brother (sic) home (George E. Ellis) in Soda. He was born in Perry Co. Missouri 9 Mar 1860. He never married. He is survived by sisters – Mrs. I.W. Nanney - Mrs. W. B. Wright – Mrs. J. B. Wright – Brothers G. W. Ellis – F. E. Ellis of Soda & T. M. Ellis of Grace [Idaho]. Buried? Funeral 7 March at Presbyterian Church in Soda.

MCGEE HARRIS died 17 March 1930 at Grace [Idaho]. He was born at Richmond, Utah 23 May 1862 a son of Wm C. & Emaline Whittle Harris. 1885 he married Harriet N. Carson in the Logan temple. Funeral in Grace. Leaves the following children: Dr. Earl Harris, Mrs. Gil Bateman, Mrs. Geo Mathew, Bryan, Guy & Glen Harris.

WILLIAM WINSHELL (sic) died at his home here in Soda 25 March 1930. He was born in Terra Haute, Ind. 4 Feb 1860. He was the first mail carrier from Soda to Caribou beginning 1887. He married Miss Dora Cates 2 March 1881 at Fort Bentar, Montana. He is survived by his wife and following children: Bert, Harry, Louis, Lester, Mrs. Mabel Condie, Mrs. Vella Billingsley, Mrs. Letta Burroughs & Mrs. A. R. Zeelanourse, three brothers, Ed. Winschell, Frank & Albert Winschell. Funeral 28 Mar 1930. Burial Mound Cemetery.

JOHN STAATS died 14 April 1930 in Soda, at the age of 74. He was born 8 May 1856 at East Prussia, Germany. He came to Soda 1880. He married Frieda Kassel at Panama 7 May 1908. He was employed in the construction of the Panama Canal. Surviving: his widow, one dau. Mrs. Clyde Gill, a brother Fred. Funeral 16 April. Burial in Soda Mound Cemetery.

JOHN P. HAGGERTY, son of Patrick & Mary Haggerty, age 61 yrs 2 mo. 16 days, died 5 May 1930 in Soda. He was born 19 Feb 1869 in Saint Paul, Minnesota. In 1900 he married Mary Simon of St. Paul. They were blessed with 6 sons. The two oldest were twins died in infancy. Funeral services 6 May 1930 at Pocatello [Idaho]. Burial in the Evergreen Cemetery near the resting place of his bro. Tom who died just a few months ago. Survivors: Thoma O. (sic), Edwin A., Earl F., Harold R.

E. D. TRINDEL died near Soda 13 May 1930. Buried in Nebraska. He was 55 yrs old.

WILLIAM E. (BILLY) CLIFFORD died at the Dee hospital in Ogden 11 June 1930. He was born in England came to the state with his widowed mother & settled in Soda. Mr. Cliffords (sic) mother was a sister of Herbert H. Horsley of Soda. He married Margaret McLean sister to D. K. McLean. Ten children were born. Mrs. Alla Barry, McClean, Douglas, Bascom, Margaret, Gretta, Gale, Ralph, Ray & Wayne. He is also survived by one brother, George Clifford of Soda. Funeral will be in Salt Lake City [Utah]

CHARLES H. STRONG, age 80, died 30 June 1930 at the home of his son Les Strong near Soda Springs. He is survived by one daughter & 2 sons: Jessie Sielbold, Montana, A. R. & Leslie Strong, both of Soda. He is also survived by a second wife residing in Kansas. Interment was in the City Cemetery of Evanston, Wyo.

GROVER PAYNE, 13, son of Nephi Payne, Georgetown [Idaho] was killed 30 July 1930 in an auto accident.

HENRY D. KUNZ, 44, of Montpelier [Idaho] died 31 July 1930 at his home about 4 miles from Montpelier. Survived by wife & 3 daughters & 2 sons.

THOMAS H. ROSE, age 57, died 4 Sept 1930 at the home of his nephew, John Fanne, of Conda, Idaho. The body is being sent to Neeley, Ida for burial.

EVERETT B. PECK of Grace [Idaho] was killed in an auto accident 13 Sept 1930 returning from Bancroft [Idaho] ½ mile north of Grace.

MRS. ESTHEI TYLER of Clinton, Oklahoma was killed in an auto accident 12 miles east of Soda, 23 Sept 1930. Mrs. Tyler was brought to the Soda hospital where she died shortly after, 23 Sept 1930. The Relief Society dressed Mrs. Tyler for burial & the body was laid in its final resting place 25 Sept 1930 (Soda). Survivors: husband, Esthei Tyler, 1 boy age 9 1 girl age 7.

CHARLES BUNN died 4 Nov 1930 near Conda, Ida. Funeral held in the Whitman Chapel. Burial in the Mound Cemetery in Soda. Survived by his bro. S. E. Bunn & a sister in Ohio. Mr. Bunn was born at Green Castle, Ohio 22 Nov 1868.

T.F. BRICKLEY died at the L.D.S. hospital in S. L. [Salt Lake, Utah] 4 Nov 1930. Leaves a widow & son Harold. Funeral was in S.L.C. [Salt Lake City, Utah].

RAYMOND JOEL BEUS died at his home near Soda 28 Nov 1930. He was born 24 Aug 1916, son of Albert & Dora Beus. Survivors: his parents, three sisters & 2 brothers.

INFANT BABY of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Law of Paris [Idaho] died 1 Dec 1930. Mrs. Law was Edna Ellis, dau of George Ellis of Soda.

LANDON RICH died 2 Dec 1930 in the hospital in Lava Hot Springs [Idaho].

DAVID GRANT CUMMINS died 12 Dec 1930 at the family home being 3 yrs 6 mi, 20 days old. He was born at Meadowville [Idaho] near Soda Springs 22 May 1927. Survivors: parents, three sisters, Emma, Darlene, Illa, two brothers, Harold & Frank. Burial in the Mound Cemetery. Son of Mr. & Mrs. Grant Cummins.

FRANCIS (sic) L. TAYLOR NEWMAN died 13 Dec 1930, age 75 yrs 1 mo. seven days. She was born in Alabama 6 Nov 1855. She married Jacob Newman 22 March 1885. To this union were born 3 children, Amy E. Blackburn who died 6 yrs ago, Alfred Newman and Everett Newman. Her husband died 25 Oct 1929. Funeral 15 Dec 1930. Interment in the Soda Mound Cemetery.

MARCUS WHITMAN, 72, died at the general hospital in Pocatello 17 Dec 1930. Born in Illinois. Surviving: widow Mrs. Margaret Jane Jamison Whitman, 2 dau and a son, Mrs. Marguerite Garvin, Miss Virginia Whitman & Marcus Whitman, Jr ., 2 sisters & 3 brothers. Mrs. John Underwood, Mrs. Carrie B. Lane, H. B. Whitman & E. D. Whitman. Mr. Whitman’s father was a first cousin to Dr. Marcus Whitman of Orgon (sic) Trail fame missionary who came over the trail 1839 en route to Walla Walla, Washington. Body was brought to Soda Springs for burial in the Soda Mound Cemetery, 19 Dec 1930 funeral.

PETER L. NOSTROM (sic) [Should be Norstrom] died 27 Dec 1930 in Soda. He was born in Fairview, Utah 17 Oct 1873. 10 March 1899 married Sophia Stewart. There were born to this union 8 children: Mrs. Ined Fryar, Laron, Glen, Leon & Orpha Mae of Soda, Mrs. Jay Stephenson of Lava [Idaho], Mrs. Elma Beck of Ovid [Idaho], Mrs. Annetta Lloyd of Alexander [Idaho], 2 step-children: Miss Leslie Stewart & Mrs. Gladys Johnson, his mother, Mrs. Josephine Young, 2 sisters & 2 brothers. Burial in Soda Mound Cemetery.


MRS. FRED LARSEN died 11 Feb 1931 at the Caribou Hospital. Funeral 15 Feb 1931 – burial in

Soda Mound Cemetery. Lulu Anderson Larsen was born in Soda 14 Nov 1877, the dau of Mr. & Mrs. Neils Anderson. 31 Jan 1899 she married Fred Larsen. Five children were born to them: Mrs. G. W. Rinehart, Fred Larsen, Jr. Dubois C., Marie and Anna Laura. Survived by husband and above named children. Eight bro & sisters of the deceased were present at the funeral. Abe C. Anderson, David A. Anderson, Peter W. Anderson, Neils C. Anderson, Ruth, Ida Collett, Anna Rogers & Mrs. Mary Verham.

ALLAN P. FRYAR of Weiser, Ida died 14 Feb 1931 at Weiser. Allan P. Fryar was born near Henrietta, Texas in 1884. Came with his parents to Soda. Survivors: his widow and three children Mrs. W. L. Mason, Mrs. Paul E. Flyn and a son Bobby. Funeral services were held in Weiser. Surviving brothers & sisters: Mrs. C. W. Barnes and Charles Fryar of Soda, Reed Fryar, Lee Fryar, Mrs. Emma Allendorf and Frank Fryar.

W. H. GRAHAM of Pinedale, Wyo. was found dead in his room at Hotel Enders 26 Feb 1931,

FRANK PERKINS died 18 or 24 March 1931.

EDNA MAE LAZENBY born in Los Angeles, Calif. 9 Jan 1922, died at Bailey Creek [Idaho] 2 April 1931. Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Lazenby. Funeral at Lava Hot Springs [Idaho] 4 April 1931. Her mother will be remembered as Laura Higley

MRS. CHAS.FORMAN of Cleveland, Idaho died 8 April 1931, age 32. Dau of Geo Nelson of Davisville [Idaho]. Survivors: husband, 3 sisters & 5 brothers. Funeral in Soda 10 April 1931.

MRS. WARREN HIGLEY died 9 April 1931 at Lava Hot Springs [Idaho] Hospital.

MRS. FRANK SHUFELDT died 10 or 12 April 1931 at Richmond, Virginia. The body was shipped to Soda for burial. Funeral 17 April 1931. Survived by husband & 6 known [8] children: Mrs. J. H. (Jennie) Harriman, Mrs. William (Lillian) Miller, W. S. Shufeldt, Sarah, Elizabeth, Max K. Shufeldt, Harvey Shufeldt, Mrs. Winfield Shufeldt. Mrs. Frank Shufeldt, formerly Jane Evelyn Meyers, was born at White House, Ohio 10 March 1875. In 1891 she married Frank L. Shufeldt. Survived also by her mother, Mrs. H. H. Meyers, sisters: Mrs. Elmer Fortney, Mrs. Charles Charter, Mrs. Walter Condon, & one bro. John Meyers. Burial in Soda Mound Cemetery.

MARY SWENSEN died April 1931 at Soda. She was born in Huntsville, Utah 4 June 1875. Her father died 1887 and her mother died in 1901. Since then she has lived with her older brother Jim Swensen. Survived by 4 brothers: James, Joseph, Hiram, Chris.

F.A. ALLEN, farmer, died at his home in Grace [Idaho] 16 April 1931. Funeral 19 April 1931 at Grace. Interment was made in Grace Cemetery. Besides his widow, eleven children survive: Cyril Allen, Mrs. Susan Harris, Rulon, Glen, Andrew, Barnett, Bern, Junior, Theordore, (sic) and Fay Allen.

JOSEPH M. CUTSFORTH died 18 April 1931 in Soda. He was born in Indiana 1853, the oldest of a family of nine children, seven of whom are living. 1879 he married Elizabeth MacDonald. Five children were born to this union, four of whom are living: Mrs. Maud Dyer, Mrs. Bessie Ashwell, Sydney M. & Donald H. both of Soda. Body taken to Gervais, Oregon for burial in the Masonic Cemetery where his father & mother and one dau. are buried.

WILLIAM M. DOWLEY died 23 April 1931 at the age of 66 yrs. 10 mo & three days. He is survived by Mrs. Chas. Call of Soda, Mrs. Fred Payne of Ogden [Utah], Earnest & Arthur of Orchard [?], Ira of Nevada & Verner of Nevada. Body was shipped to Ely, Nevada for burial.

WILLIAM ALLEN HEMMERT, son of Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Hemmert of Conda [Idaho], died 24 April 1931 at the age of 7 years. Funeral held 26 April 1931 at Conda and burial in Soda Mound Cemetery.

DEWEY GARDNER drowned in the Utah Power & Light Co. reservoir 17 May 1931, son of Ray Gardner; recovered 13 days later. Interment was made in Soda Mound Cemetery 30 May 1931.

DEL HAYES was accidently (sic) killed at Georgetown, Ida. 31 May 1931. He was 36 yrs old. Survived by his widow, three sons: Clinton, Russell & Varlon and one dau Aline; brothers – Riley, Eugene, Lyle and Eldon; sisters: Geneva, Arvilla, Erma, Evelyn & Laure. Funeral 2 June 1931 at Georgetown. Interment was in Soda Mound Cemetery.

THOMAS L. DAVIDSON “JACK” died 1 June 1931 at Alexander; Idaho (took his own life). Buried in Soda Springs Cemetery. It is thought Davidson has distant relatives in Nebraska.

WILFORD H. MONROE (a twin), son of Orin & Jeanette Monroe died 16 June 1931 (At Eight Mile) [Idaho]. He was born 29 Jun 1919. Survived by: parents and five brothers, one sister. Funeral was held at Eight Mile and he was buried in the Eight Mile Cemetery.

MRS. D. Y. BATES of Los Angeles, Calif., dau of Mrs. & Mrs. Charles Barnes of Soda, died at her home 18 June 1931. The body was shipped to Soda for burial. Funeral was held 24 June. Survived by husband, a daughter Arlene and a son Gene.

NEIL SMITH BELL died 1 Aug 1931, age 72, at the family residence in Logan [Utah]. Funeral 3 Aug 1931 from 10th ward chapel. Interment Logan City Cemetery. 13 years ago he lost his wife and one son William. A short time after, he married Mrs. Rose Haglund of Logan. He was born 24 March 1859 in Salt Lake City [Utah], the son of Mr. & Mrs. William Bell. Surviving: his widow, Mrs. Rose Bell & the following children: Neil Bell, Jr., Richard Bell, Dewey Bell, Mrs. Grant Cummins, Mrs. William Bell & one sister Mrs. Jane McNeil.

MARGARET J. GAGON died 3 Aug 1931 at the L.D.S. hospital in Idaho Falls [Idaho]. She was born 14 Feb 1860 at Time, Illinois. Survivors: her husband, George F. Gagon, Mr. & Mrs. Wendell D. Gagon, two brothers, Albert Davidson & David Davidson; two sisters Mrs. Della Maine, Mrs. Flora Davidson Clark. She was preceded in death by a dau, Hortence, who died 1903 and a sister, Mrs. Ellen E. Watters. Prayer service 4 Aug 1931 at Idaho Falls. Body was taken to Blackfoot [Idaho] for burial.

WALTER T. WOOD of New Port (sic), Rhode Island died 5 Aug 1931 at the Caribou County Hospital in Soda from a car accident.

W. P. ROBINSON of Freedom [Wyoming] died at her home in Freedom 8 Aug 1931, near 70 yrs of age. He leaves 2 sons Glen & Dewey and 3 dau. Mrs. Griffith Marshall, Mrs. Lorin Hansen & Mrs. Alvin Schiess. Funeral in Freedom 11 Aug and interment in the Freedom Cemetery.

KENNETH CLINGER, 34, OF Etna, Wyo, died 26 Aug 1931 in Caribou hospital in Soda from an auto accident. Body was taken to Etna for funeral & burial 29 Aug. Survived by his wife & 3 children, age 9, 7

& 5.

H. A. FALKENBERG drowned in Snake River 2 Sept 1931. He was taken to Montpelier & will be brought to Soda Springs for funeral & burial 4 Sept beside the grave of his wife who preceded him in death.

MRS. ANTON (ROSINA) SCHWITZER LALLATIN, age 88, died at the home of her dau Mrs. Collin (sic) Chester 16 Sept 1931. She was born in Wurttemburg (sic) Germany 16 June 1843 and was married 4 Feb 1969 to Anton Lallatin. Came to America in 1880 and settled in Logan [Utah]. She was baptized in the spring of 1880 in Providence, Utah. Came to Soda Springs 1922. Her husband died 25 Aug 1923, Children surviving: Fred Lallatin, Mrs. Anna Heyrand, Mrs. Mary Conner, Mrs. Lena Chester, Charles, Christopher and Joseph Lallatin; Mrs. Florence McCain. Buried in Soda Mound Cemetery. Funeral 18 Sept 1931, She was preceded in death by 2 dau, Emma Lallatin & Mrs. James Rurdie (sic) Purdie and her husband Anton Lallatin.

MRS. JOSEPHINE RASMUSSEN died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Violetta Fletcher at Boise, Idaho 18 Sept 1931. She was born in Logan, Utah 22 Nov 1877 the dau of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Biron. 9 Nov 1896 she married H. P. A. (Hans Peter Anton) Rasmussen. To this union five children were born – Mrs. W. O. Clark, Mrs. James Topper, Mrs. L. E. Fletcher, Peter M. Rasmussen and Russell Rasmussen. Funeral services were held at Blackfoot [Idaho] 21 Sept 1931 and interment was in the family lot in the cemetery at Blackfoot. Besides the children she is survived by the following sisters & brothers – Mrs. J. W. Wood, Mrs. Wood Skinner, Mrs. Frank Wood, Paul Biron, Dave Biron.

MARY ELLIS WRIGHT died 18 Sept 1931 at Thatcher, Ida. She was born at Perryville, Mo. 20 June 1866. Came to Soda with her parents 15 May 1884. She was married to Joseph B. Wright 27 Dec?. Survived by her husband and two sons, Ellis and Kenneth of Thatcher, a step dau Mrs. Lara Poole and the following brothers & sisters: George W. Ellis, Frank E. Ellis, Thomas M. Ellis, Mrs. F. W. Nanney & Mrs. W. B. Wright. Burial in Soda Mound Cemetery 21 Sept 1931.

MRS. NETTIE COMSTOCK was killed when she fell from the U.P. train in Rawlins, Wyo, west of Ferris Station 1 Oct 1931. Mrs. Carl Norton only dau of Bancroft [Idaho] and a sister survive her.

JAMES RUUD, 2 months old son of Mr. & Mrs. L. C. Rudd, died 1 Oct 1931. Buried in the Soda Mound Cemetery.

MISS IVY IDELLA GRAY, 35, died 2 Oct 1931 at the Caribou County Hospital. Funeral services held in Grace [Idaho] 5 Oct 1931. She was teaching in Alexander [Idaho]. She is survived by her parents Mr. & Mrs. A. B. Gray of Grace, 4 sisters: Mrs. W. J. Jensen, Mrs. Theron Smith, Mrs. A. B. Newsom, Francis Gray & Gladys Gray; 3 brothers: Clark, Andrews Leo [or Leon] Gray).

SOPHIA PETERSON, 11 yr old dau of Mr. & Mrs. Warren Peterson, died in Soda Springs 16 Oct 1931. Body taken to Wayan [Idaho] for funeral & burial 19 Oct 1931.

GEORGE ELLIS of Grace [Idaho] was killed 11 Nov 1931 in a car accident at Talmage, Idaho. Mr. Ellis was married but had no children. Funeral was in Salt Lake City [Utah]. Burial in Mill Creek Ward Cemetery, Salt Lake County.

JAMES SCOTT of Grace [Idaho], 47, died 16 Nov 1931. Survivors: widow & five children: James 12, Harry 10, Glen 8, Milton 5. Hazel 6 mo. and a sister Mrs. M. Nelmes. Funeral at Pocatello [Idaho].

GEORGE S. HORSLEY, 62, died 1 Dec 1931. He was born at Paris, Idaho 1 March 1871, the son of Mr. & Mrs. T. W. Horsley. He married Nell Campbell 26 Nov 1896. To this union 7 children were born, four of whom survive: Rhea, Elizabeth, Mrs. Ann Austin, Mrs. Marguerite Hanson. Funeral services at the L.D.S. Church 3 Dec 1931. Burial in Soda Mound Cemetery. Brothers & sisters of Mr. Horsley – Mrs. J.E. Lau, T. W. Horsley, Mrs. Henry Miles, Mrs. Adeline Spencer, Mrs. Amelia Fernando.

MRS. W. M. DAVIS died 11 Dec 1931 at her home in Soda. Funeral 14 Dec 1931. Burial in Soda. Mrs. Waylett M. Davis, 65 yrs. She was born at Brigham City, Utah 8 Sept 1866. She married W. M. Davis 21 Jan 1885. She was the mother of 12 children, one dau Mrs. Vella Woodall having died in Aug 1922. The remaining six sons & 5 dau are living: Uther, Frank, George and Edith Davis, Mrs. Mabel Rudd, Mrs. Deborah Lindsey, Rees & Ellis Davis , Mrs. Leah Coats, Mrs. Loretta Madsen, her husband W. M. Davis, 2 sisters – Mrs. Leah Gorton & Mrs. B. D. Thomas; one brother Noel B. Waylett.

MRS IDA DANA HEYMING died 18 Dec 1931, age 71 yrs. 7 mo. 8 days [at Soda or Black River Falls, Wisconsin]. Funeral services were held from the home of Mr. & Mrs. H. M Perry 21 Dec 1931. Burial in the Riverside Cemetery. Miss Ada Dana was born in Manston, Wisconsin 10 May 1860, the dau of Hiram N. & Betsey Greenslitt Dana. She married Harry W. Kelly 30 May 1875. He died 1918. In 1907 she was married to John Heyming. Eight children were born to her first union – 5 survive her. Mrs. Myrtle Lavin, Mrs. H. M. Perry, Harry W. Kelly, Mrs. Nina A. Bibbs, William D. Kelly, her dau. Mrs. Frankie Parsons died 1908. Mrs. Mayme Kelly died in 1926 and a son Fred in 1919. She is survived by 3 sisters: Mrs. Caroline St. Clair, Mrs. Hattie P. Kelly & Mrs. Lida Clerk. She was the mother of the late Mrs. Mayme Kelly, wife of W. J. Kelly, who is now a resident of Oakland City, Calif. Mr. Kelly is the son of Mrs. Tom Corrigan of Soda Springs. She was the grandmother of Vera Jean Kelly of Soda.

ALVIN LARGELLIERE was killed 20 Dec 1931 at his home in Soda Springs. He was born in Soda 15 yrs ago, the son of Edgar W. & Katheryn Dunlap Largellier (sic). Funeral services were held 22 Dec. Burial in the Soda Mound Cemetery. Survived by parents, one bro Junior and two sisters, Pauline & Louise.


IDA KING, 47, hanged himself here [Ontario, Oregon] 5 Jan 1932 in King’s room. Funeral 8 Jan. He was born in Soda Springs, Ida. 2 Feb 1885. Survivors father Judge G. L. King, two brothers, Arthur & Homer; two sisters, Mrs. C. R. Arnold & Mrs. L. G. Huston.

CLAUDIA SOPHIA MAYLETT died Jan 1932; funeral 28 Jan 1932 at Malad [Idaho]. She was born in Malad City 6 May 1874 and married Noel B. Waylett 15 May 1892. Noel B. Waylett is a brother of Mrs. Leah Gorton of Soda.

W.A. SMITH, a brother to Mrs. W. E. Smedley, died at Haskel, Okla. 6 Feb 1932, survived by widow and one child. He was 43 yrs. old. Buried in Kansas City [Missouri]

KENT LESTER DEWEY, 47, died 7 Feb 1932 at Idaho Falls [Idaho]. Survivors – widow, Mrs. Christnia (sic) Dewey, Idaho Falls and a son, Marlow Dewey of Boise [Idaho]: his mother, Mrs. Laura Popper; bro & sisters, Ray [or Roy]& Lewis Dewey, Nan Center, Bernice Barrett, Hallie Quinn, Mattie Schmidt. Born 21 Jan 1885 at Salt Lake City [Utah]. He married Christian Skinner 23 July 1907, Funeral 9 Feb 1932.

MRS. CATHERINE HOCKINGS, 72, died at the home of hr daughter, Mrs. James Sibbett, Jr. at Wayan [Idaho] 13 Feb 1932. She was born in England 24 May 1860. Mr. Hockings died five years ago in Calif. Surviving: 5 children – Mrs. James Sibbett, Jr., Lester Hockings, Wayan, Richard Hockings of Pocatello, Ida., Ernest Hockings of Moore, Idaho, Mrs. Ethel Sibbett of Lustin, Calif. Funeral 16 Feb 1932; burial in the Gray [Grays Lake, Idaho] Cemetery.

WILLIAM HENRY HILDRETH, died 16 Feb 1932 in Soda Springs. William Hildreth was born in Watsonville, Calif. on 28 Oct 1865. He came to Soda in abt 1909 and assumed charge of the Chieftain [The Soda Springs paper]. He published the Chieftain until 1921 when he sold his interests and moved to Calif. In 1932 he moved back to Soda. Survivors: widow, Lula Dean (Scudder), 3 sons & one daughter: William S. Hildreth of Soda, Mrs. Frank (Ruth) Liston, Fay E. & Frank Hildreth of Long Beach, Calif. 2 sisters Mrs. Cal Cheney & Mrs. Ruth Cullens; one brother Lel Hildreth. Funeral 20 Feb 1932; buried in Fairview Mound Cemetery in Soda.

MELVIN MITTON GUNNELL, son of Ezra B. & Mary Mitton Gunnell died 17 Feb 1932 in Wellsville [Utah]. Funeral 19 Feb 1932; burial in Wellsville Cemetery. He was born in Wellsville 11 Sept 1903. Survived by parents and the following brothers & sisters all of Wellsville: Cyril, Parley, Alton, Jennie & Mary Gunnell & Mrs. Carrie Bailey.

DANIEL MOORE SR., 58, of Buena Park, Calif., died at his home there 2 March 1932. He was born in Soda Springs (Old Town), Ida. Dec 1873. Funeral 5 March in Calif. Burial in Loma Vista Cemetery. Survivors: widow, Mrs. Kathryn Moore, a son Daniel E. Moore Jr., Long Beach, Calif., 4 daughters Mrs. Kathryn Boyd, Mrs. Mae Young, Mrs. Louise Moore & Mrs. Helen Cagle; two brothers Jesse Moore, Soda, Fred Moore, Pocatello [Idaho].

HYRUM SWENSON of Lago [Idaho] died at the Caribou Hospital at Soda Springs 18 March 1932. He was born in Huntsville, Utah 58 yrs ago. Survived by widow and the following children: Raymond Swenson and Loretta Hanson, Lago, Mrs. Nola Jenkins, Newton, Utah; two brothers, James and Clifford Swenson, Lago, 4 grandchildren. Funeral at Lago 20 March 1932 Burial?

THE INFANT DAUGHTER of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Fannen of Conda [Idaho] died 25 March 1932. Funeral 27 March at Conda; burial at Pocatello [Idaho]

WILLIAM B. THATCHER, 27, died at Grace [Idaho] 27 March 1932 from a (sic) accidental gun shot. Survivors: his widow, Mrs. Leonia Mendenhall Thatcher, his father, Howard E. Thatcher – six sisters: Mrs. Verne Mendenhall, Mrs. Kenneth Wright, Elaine and Helen Thatcher of Thatcher [Idaho], Mrs. Olive Scholes, Logan [Utah], Mrs. Dora Hollingworth, Preston [Idaho].

MARION HEAP of Thayne [Wyoming], in Star Valley, died at his home 9 April 1932. he was born at Dixie, Utah 19 Oct 1869. He married Evelyn Miller of Thayne 28 Sept 1888 in the Logan Temple. Survived by following children: Mrs. Martha Thatcher of Grover [Wyoming], Mrs. Nora Newswander, Mrs. Martha Hansen, Mrs. Stella Hemmert & Mrs. Louis Sanders of Freedom [Wyoming], Alva Heap of Thayne & Delbert Heap of Blackfoot [Idaho]. Funeral 12 April in Thayne. Interment in Thayne Cemetery.

MRS. LAVINA KELSEY STARK, 62, died 10 April 1932 at Soda. Lavina Kelsey Stark was born in Paris, Idaho, 16 Oct 1869, a daughter of Stephen and Lydia Kelsey. She married Martin Stark Dec 1903, who died 7 yrs ago. To this union was born three sons; Raymond Stark of Rigby, Idaho, “Bud” or Stephen and Elmer of Soda Springs, also three brothers and two sisters: Robert Kelsey of Paris, Ida, Caston Kelsey of Montpelier, Ida, Sharley Kelsey of Butte, Montana, Bessie Shapman of Salt Lake City [Utah] & Zina Crawford of Pocatello, Ida. Funeral 12 April 1932. Interment in the Soda Mound Cemetery.

MRS. FRANS (BESSIE) SWENSEN died 16 April 1932 in Soda. Funeral 19 April 1932. Interment in Soda Mound Cemetery. She was born 8 Dec 1853 in Sweden. Survived by husband, Frans and following children: Steven Swensen of Oakley, Wyo. Anna Swensen Stivics of Joyem, Wyo. Anthony Swensen of Denver [Colorado], Augusta Swensen Behrens of Pinedale, Wyo.

MRS. DIANA CHRISTENSEN, age 36, wife of McGee Christensen died at her home in Hatch [Idaho] 16 April 1932. Survived by husband and three children – Leone, Dewey, and Robert; her father Alma Hogan of Hatch; the following brothers & sisters – A. Nelson Hogan of Hatch, LeRoy Hogan of Chesterfield [Idaho], Mrs. Ira Spidell of Downey [Idaho], Mrs. Charles Schenk of Pingree [Idaho], Mrs. Raymond Mickelson of Hatch. Funeral 19 April 1932 at Hatch. Burial in the Chesterfield Cemetery.

MRS. SADIE BACON died 30 April 1932 at her home in Georgetown, Ida. Funeral 2 May 1932.

AMMIE DELL RUNYAN (MRS. GEORGE SUTHERLAND), age 36. Mrs. George Walter Sutherland died at the home of her dau Mrs. Bertha Rinehart in Pocatello, Idaho 19 May 1932. Funeral 20 May 1932 at Pocatello; interment in Soda Mound Cemetery 21 May. Born in Knoxville, Iowa 4 April 1876; married Geo. Walter Sutherland in 1895. Survivors: husband, six children: Erwin Sutherland, Fielding, Utah, Mrs. Bertha Rinehart of Pocatello, Carl Sutherland of Pocatello, Mrs. Edna Cameron of Columbus, Ohio, Henry Sutherland of Los Angeles, Calif. & Ethel Sutherland of Salt Lake [Utah]; parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Runyan of Canada, one brother of Simpson, Sask. Canada, a sister of Knoxville, Iowa and a nephew, Henry J. Finch of Soda.

JOSEPH H. OZBURN, 70, died 22 May 1932 in Soda. Funeral 23 May 1932; burial in the Soda Mound Cemetery. He was born in Yates Center, Kansas in 1860 and married at the age of 27. Survivors: wife, Annie Elizabeth Phelps Ozburn and two children, A. L. Ozburn and Mrs. Harry Richards of Soda; one brother, I. J. Ozburn and two sisters Mrs. Frannie Young and Mrs. Maud Stines of Colorado Springs [Colorado]. His father was Pleasant Henry Ozburn and his mother was Sarah Rich. Burial at Soda Mound Cemetery.

LAWRENCE SLOAN, 68, of Redland, Calif. died at the Caribou County Hospital 8 June 1932 following an operation. Body was taken to Montpelier [Idaho]

MRS. J. R. LEERIGHT of Rupert [Idaho] died 11 June 1932 at the Caribou County Hospital. Body was taken to Rupert for burial.

OLA CALL, 16, dau of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Call of Wayan [Idaho] died 20 June 1932 from a car accident 3 miles east of Soda. She died in the Caribou Hospital. Funeral 21 June 1932. Interment in the Soda Mound Cemetery. Ola Call was born at Wayan, Ida 18 Oct 1916. Survivors are her parents and six brothers & sisters – Ben, Desmond, Milly, May, Aloma & Leah Call.

GAI TAYLOR, 21, of Burley [Idaho], was drowned 12 July 1932 at Twin Falls, Idaho. She was the dau of Dave Taylor, a brother of W. E. (Wick) Taylor.

MISS BERNICE BUCHANAN, 20, also was drowned 12 July 1932 at Twin Falls, Idaho at a point on the Old Oregon Trail near Murtaugh [Idaho]

FRED ATWOOD OLSON, JR, 27, son of Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Olson, Sr. of Grace [Idaho], died 14 July 1932 at Grace. His mother, Louise Atwood Olson who preceeded (sic) him in death. Survivors are his father & step-mother; 3 sisters, Mrs. Roxey Ines, Mrs. Wilma Brown and Mrs. Ila Turner. Burial in Grace.

FRANK JORGENSEN, five year old son of Mr. & Mrs. Nels Jorgensen died 16 July 1932 in Soda Hospital. Funeral 19 July 1932. Interment in Soda Mound Cemetery. He was born 25 Nov. 1926 Where? Survived by parents & 3 brothers.

ERVIN NELSON, 32, Grace barber, died at his home in Grace [Idaho], 25 July 1932. Funeral 28 July in the Grace City Cemetery. He was born at Mink Creek, Idaho 23 Sept 1899 a son of Mr. & Mrs. Hans Nelson. Survived by widow & two sons, Junior and Donald Nelson; seven brothers & sisters: Hans C. Nelson, Preston [Idaho], Orson and Leonard Nelson of Mink Creek, Mrs. Minnie Balfour, Salt Lake [Utah], Mrs. Mary Larson, Preston, Mrs. Josephine Keller, Idaho Falls [Idaho], Mrs. Carrie Hite, Weiser [Idaho].

JOHN LONG of Pocatello [Idaho] died 5 Aug 1932 at Montpelier Hospital after falling under the wheels of a train. He is survived by his wife, 3 daughters, Mrs. F. J. French, Miss Murial Long, both of Pocatello, Mrs. Earl Rowley of Cheyenne [Wyoming] and a son James of Pocatello.

TONY SIRICO OR CIRICO, abt 25 yrs. died 15 Aug 1932 in Montpelier Hospital.

KEPLAR SESSIONS died Aug 1932. He was born in Bountiful, Utah 3 Dec 1855, a son of Perrigrine & Lucina Call Sessions. He married Ann Call in Jan 1876 at Salt Lake Endowment House. Funeral 28 Aug 1932; Interment in Chesterfield Cemetery. Survivors: 3 sons & 4 daughters, K. C. Sessions of Soda, Mrs. Carl R. Gustaveson, Topance [Idaho], Ivan Sessions of Soda, Mrs. Thomas Tolman, Paul, and Mrs. Lester Smith, Topance. His wife died Oct 1926

VIRGIL GILLETTE of Grace [Idaho] died 30 Aug 1932 in Soda Hospital. Survived by his mother and two brothers, Kenneth and Deval Gillette, all of Grace, Ida. Burial in Grace Cemetery.

FRED D. ROBINSON died 1 Sept at his home in Grace [Idaho]. Funeral 4 Sept 1932 at Grace. Burial in Grace Cemetery. Born at Lamoni, Iowa 7 April 1878. Survived by widow and following children: Mrs. Mamie Stibow, Fern Roland, Vivian, Beatrice, Stella, Margaret, Junior & Lee of Grace.

MRS. HELEN LALLATIN CHESTER, 52 yrs, died in Ogden [Utah] 5 Sept 1932 at the home of her sisters (sic) Mrs. R. M. Conner at Ogden, Utah. She was born 26 Aug 1880 and was married to Colin A. Chester 15 Jan 1908. Survived by husband – 3 daughters – 2 sons: Howard Gene, Lucile, Carol and Afton Chester all of Soda; four brothers, Chris, Charles, Joseph of Soda and Fred Lallatin of Salt Lake [Utah]; 3 sisters: Mrs. Dave Heyrend, Salt Lake, Mrs. R. M. Conner of Ogden & Mrs. Frank McClain of Pocatello. Funeral 8 Sept 1932 at the L.D.S. Chapel in Soda.

NEWELL CLARK, 35, was recovered from Bear River 6 miles from Montpelier [Idaho]. It is though (sic) he drowned 16 Sept 1932. He was born in Georgetown [Idaho]. He was the son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Clark. Survived by his widow & four children, also several brothers & sisters and his father. Funeral at Georgetown.

MARIA TARBET, 18, dau of Mrs. E. J. Thomas died 20 Sept 1932 at the Soda Springs Hospital.

She was born at Benson, Utah 20 Nov 1913. Survived by her mother, two brothers – Dwain & Kenneth Tarbet; a half brother Junior Thomas & two half sisters: Delora & Maxine Thomas all of Grace [Idaho].

MARJORIE JUNE BOAN, age 6 yrs, dau of Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Boan of Grays Lake [Idaho] was accidently (sic) killed 29 Sept 1932 by a shot. Funeral at Idaho Falls [Idaho] Burial? Survived by parent and three brothers, 4 sisters.

GERALDINE FINE died 22 Sept 1932 at Twin Falls [Idaho] Hospital. Funeral 24 Sept at Hazelton, Idaho. She was the dau of Mr. & Mrs. John M. Fine of Hazton (sic). She was born in Hermiston, Oregon in 1911. Survivors: her parents, a md. (sic) Sister in Emmett [Idaho] & 3 brothers, Bryan, Milton, & Kenneth Fine.

BLAINE ACE HAWKER 22 month old son of Mr. & Mrs. R. S. Hawker died 23 Sept 1932. Funeral at Meadowville [Idaho]. Burial in Soda Springs Cemetery. Survived by parents – 3 brothers & 4 sisters.

A. C. DAVIS of Pocatello [Idaho] died 12 Oct 1932 at Pocatello hospital. Mr. Davis was a resident of Davisville. Survived by his wife, three boys and three girls; three brothers, William J. Taylor, & Westley; one sister, Mrs. Dan Balls.

LILA HANSEN, age 2, and Elsie Hansen, age 4, daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Hy Hansen of Triven [?] died at the Caribou Hospital 14 Oct 1932. Interment was at Soda Springs Cemetery.

ALBERT G. KUGLER, 70, died 15 Oct 1932 at Idaho Falls [Idaho]. He was born 18 Aug 1862 at Sheffield, Iowa. Surviving: four brothers & sisters: Mrs. Ross Brase, Mrs. Jewell Stohl, Walter Kugler & Mrs. Lorine Starck. He was an uncle to Don F. Kugler. His body was brought to Soda Springs for burial in the Soda Springs Cemetery.

RAY HOGAN, 22, son of Mr. & Mrs. Ira Hogan of Thatcher [Idaho] died 23 Oct 1932 at the Soda Hospital. Funeral 26 Oct at Thatcher.

BARBARA JANE WOODALL, dau of Mr. & James F. Woodall, Jr. (mother Netta Colburn) died at her home in Soda 28 Oct 1932 – 2 yrs & 4 months old. Born 20 June 1930. Funeral 30 Oct. Burial in the Soda Mound Cemetery.

HOWARD WILLIAM RIDER, 49, died at Willow Creek, Montana 12 Nov 1932, Funeral services in Willow Creek. Mr. Rider was born in Millbank, So. Dakota 20 Dec 1918. Survived by wife and 4 sisters & his mother of Choteau, Montana.

MRS. LEAH WAYLETT GORTON, 77, died at her home in Soda 20 Nov 1932. She was born in Salt Lake [Utah]. She married George W. Gorton in 1878 in Malad [Idaho] Moved to Soda the same year. Her husband died 1899. Then she run (sic) his mercantile for 24 years. Survived by a brother, Noel B. Waylett of Rupert, Ida and 5 sons: Henry C., George W., Rees D., and Ralph S. Gorton all of Soda Springs, Eastman K. Gorton of Spencer, Idaho; 11 grandchildren. Funeral 22 Nov, burial in Fairview Cemetery.

MRS WILLIAM J. TERRY died 25 Nov 1932. Funeral services held in Draper, Utah. Mrs. Terry was the mother-in-law of Henry Gorton.

DEXTER GRANGER died 2 Dec 1932 at Los Angles (sic), Calif. He married Mrs. Hattie Jackson ten yrs ago. He was born at Owatana, Minnesota 66 yrs ago. Buried in the Inglewood Cemetery.

MISS MARGARET TAYLOR, secretary to Fred E. Lukens, sec. of state, died 2 Dec 1932

GODFREY BARFUSS of Sandpoint, Ida died 4 or 5 Dec 1932. Funeral services in Bancroft, Ida. He was a brother to Fred Barfuss of Bancroft.

NELLIE LENORE WEAVER, age 12, dau of Mr. & Mrs. Budd Weaver died at her home in Soda, 25 Dec 1932 at 2:30 A M from Scarlet Fever (sic). Funeral 25 Dec 1932 at the home in the afternoon. Interment in the Soda Mound Cemetery.


MRS. ELLA WANAMAKER of Pocatello [Idaho] died 4 Jan 1933 in Colorado at the home of her daughter Mrs. Minnie Semler in Denver, Colorado. She was formerly of Soda. Funeral services held in Denver.

LOUIS R. COOLEY, brother of Len Cooley, died at the Caribou County Hospital 7 Jan 1933. He was born in Racine, Wisconsin 10 Nov 1865. Survived by two brothers, I. H. Cooley & Len Cooley; a sister Mrs. G. F. Wellis of Washington.

MRS. MITCHELL RUTH died 25 Jan 1933 at the Caribou County Hospital. Survived by her husband and six children, four girls and two boys. Funeral 27 Jan 1933 in Soda – interment was made in Soda Mound Cemetery.

THE SEVEN WEEK OLD SON of Mr. & Mrs. Lovan Hill died 6 Feb 1933. Funeral 8 Feb and interment was made in the Soda Mound Cemetery.

THOMAS ELLIS, 59, died 6 Feb 1933 at Grace [Idaho]. He was born at St. Maries, Mo. 14 Feb 1874. Survived by his widow and four sons and a daughter. Melvin & Calvin Ellis, Leo Ellis, Weber & Melva Ellis; two brothers, Frank & George Ellis and one sister, Mrs. I Nanney. Funeral 9 Feb 1933. Interment in the Grace Cemetery.

CHARLES PANTER of Thatcher [Idaho] died 14 Feb 1933 at the Caribou County Hospital in Soda. Services & burial were in Thatcher.

CHARLES W. FRYAR, age 62, died 28 Feb 1933 in Soda Springs. Funeral 2 March 1933; burial in Soda Mound Cemetery. He was born in Ripley Mississippi. Moved to Soda 1883. Survived by his widow Mrs. Ella Fryar, six children – Roy [or Ray] Fryar of Preston [Idaho], Edna, Melba, Frank, Betty Jean and Barbara, all of Soda Springs; two sisters Mrs. Alice Barnes of Soda and Mrs. Emma Allendorf of Joplin Missouri; three brothers Reed Fryar, Baker Oregon, Lee Fryar, Yakima Washington and Frank Fryar, Pocatello, Idaho.

ARCHIE MERRELL, 51, died 11 March 1933 at the Caribou County Hospital. Burial in Soda Mound Cemetery. Cards of thanks signed by Grace Merrell, Thayne Merrell, Ivan Merrell, Lottie Merrell, Berenice Merrell at the death of our father, Archie Merrell.

AXEL BASTROM of Pocatello [Idaho] died 28 March 1933. He was a son-in law (sic) to Mrs. R. S. Hawker of Meadowville [Idaho]

JOSEPH WM BUTLER, 64, died 16 April 1933 at his home in Idaho Falls [Idaho]. Funeral 14 April 1933 in Idaho Falls. Burial in the Rose Hill Cemetery. He was born 22 Oct 1968 in Salt Lake City [Utah]. Survivors: his widow Mrs., Charlotte Butler, 8 sons and dau, Mrs. Jay Waters, Mrs. Hazel Pearson, Ralph, Joseph, Lewis, and Raymond Butler & John; a brother, George Butler – three sisters, Mrs. Sarah Lawson, Mrs. Hattie Jacobsen, Mrs. Francis Staten.

BEN BINGHAM died April 1933 at Los Angeles, Calif. He was brother in law (sic) to Mrs. James Moore.

KEITH FOWLER, 11 yr old son of Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Fowler of Grace [Idaho] was killed 9 May 1933 in an accident. He was born 19 June 1922. He was a brother to Loren Fowler, manager of Roghaar Store. Funeral services held in Grace 11 May 1933

CHARLES E. KACKLEY died 16 May 1933 at the age of 65 at Alberta, Canada. He is a brother to Dr. Ellis Kackley. His body was brought to Soda Springs where interment will be made in Soda Mound Cemetery 21 May 1933.

MRS. SARAH ANNE LEWIS, 67, wife of Walter H. Lewis, died at her home 17 May 1933. She was born in Missouri 27 June 1865, the dau of E. H. Diggs and Martha E. Diggs. She married Mr. Lewis 26 Oct 1883. to this union three children were born – Pearl E. Skiles, Opal D. Hussey and W. Diggs Lewis, all of who (sic) survive her. Funeral services were conducted in Pocatello [Idaho] 19 May 1933. Interment was in Mountainview Cemetery at Pocatello.

SARAH A. NICKERSON died 18 May 1933 at the hospital in Soda Springs. She was born at Grantsville, Utah 9 April 1856, dau of Emery and Huldah Nickerson Barrus. In 1874 she married Eleazer Freeman Nickerson. To this union were born nine children, five of whom survive her: Eleazer Freeman Nickerson, Sadie Edler, Levi Stillman Nickerson and Loren Nickerson, Mary Huldah Anderson, 23 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren; brothers & sisters, William B. Barrus, Chauncey Barrus & Emeline A. Tanner. Funeral 21 May 1933 and burial in Grantsville, Utah.

J.P. BLACKBURN or Joseph Peter Blackburn, died 22 May 1933 at Soda. He was born in Richardson Co. Nebraska 10 April 1862, the son of George & Jane Blackburn. He married Nellie V. Russell 24 Dec 1884 at Kansas. To this union were born eight children; three girls and five boys – George, William, the eldest dying in infancy. His twin brother George died in Soda two yrs ago. Survivors: his widow, Nellie V. Blackburn, three daughters, Nora Salser and Lyda Tharp of Soda Springs, Jessie Lasley of Rockland, Ida; the four sons, Claude, William, Millard and Homer; one sister Lyda Doty of Brownington, Missouri, 24 grandchildren. Funeral 24 May 1933. Interment in Soda Mound Cemetery.

SAMUEL S. STILLMAN, 65, of Salt Lake City [Utah], died in Salt Lake Hospital 22 May 1933. He was born in East Mill Creek [Utah] 13 Jun 1867. Funeral in East Mile Creek L.D.S. Ward. Funeral Wasatch Lawn Burial Park.

ELIZABETH ANN RUTHERFORD, 10 month old dau of Mr. & Mrs. H. I. Rutherford, died 5 June 1933 at Salt Lake Hospital. Funeral in Soda 7 June 1933.

WILLIAM T. PARKINSON of Conda [Idaho] died at the local hospital in Soda 21 June 1933. Funeral 23 June 1933. Born in Helena, Montana 17 Jan 1875. Buried in Soda Springs; survived by widow & 2 dau. Mrs. Max Snell & Mrs. Lee Ainsworth; mother, Mrs. J.A. Parkinson of Montana, 2 sisters: Mrs. C. R. Stranahan & Mrs. Rees Taylor.

GAY WILCOX, 6 yr old dau of Mr. & Mrs. O’Neil Wilcox of Conda [Idaho] died 21 June 1933 at the home of his grandfather, Elmer Wilcox of Paris, Idaho.

THE BABY DAU, LITTLE HANNAH SMART, of Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Smart of Soda, died 23 June 1933. Buried in Fairview Cemetery.

MRS. MARIE JENNINGS, 46, of Pocatello [Idaho] died at the family home 24 June 1933. She was born in Logan [Utah] 1887. Survivors: a son Russell Jennings, two sisters, Mrs. Carl Grower & Mrs. Nellie Flemming – Pocatello; two brothers Albert Jones – Montpelier [Idaho] & Frank Jones – Pocatello. Mrs. Jennings is a cousin of Myrtle Gorton of Soda, Mrs. L.G. Strong at Trail Creek [Idaho] & Mrs. Arvilla Williams of Grace [Idaho].

MATTHEW (BUSTER) THIEL of Lima, Montana, son of Mrs. Harry Horsley, died 27 June 1933 at Lima, Montana. Funeral services 29 June 1933 at Dillon, Montana.

WALTER J. SCOTT, 39, of Ten Mile Pass [Idaho], died at the Caribou Hospital 3 July 1933. He was born 14 Feb 1894 at Franklin, North Carolina, the son of Robert Lee Scott of N. Carolina and Jane Thornton Scott. Survived by his widow Mattie Jane Scott; two sons, Robert Raymond Scott 12, Raleigh Johnston Scott 10; four brothers, Clyde & George Scott of N. Carolina, Joe Scott of Conda, Idaho, Tom T. Scott of Yellow Pine, Ida; two sisters Mrs. Charles McCracken & Nellie Scott of Ten Mile Pass. Funeral 5 Jul 1933. Interment in the Soda Mound Cemetery.

MRS. ZELNORA STEVENS HENDERSON, 65, died 10 July 1933 at the family home in Preston [Idaho]. Funeral 12 July 1933 at Preston, Idaho. Survived by husband William A. Henderson, four daughters, Mrs. C. W. Cutler, Mrs. W. K. Moore, Dora and Zelnora Henderson.

MISS ONITA SMITH, 16. dau of Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Smith of Thatcher, Ida died 10 July 1933 from an auto accident in the Caribou County Hospital. Survived by parents & several brothers and sisters.

MRS. BERTHA BROWER HEAP of Freedom, Wyo, age 31, died at the Caribou County Hospital ? Aug 1933 Married Clarence Heap. Mrs. Heap was a dau of Mr. & Mrs. James M. Brower. Survivors: her father & mother, husband and three small children. Body was taken to Freedom, Wyo for burial 16 Aug 1933.

HENRY THOMAS BURCHETT died in La Harpe, Kansas 26 Aug 1933 at the age of 73. He was born in Clayborne Co. Tenn. 22 Dec 1859. He married Mary A. Clark of Lee Co. Va. 11 Aug 1880. Seven children were born to this union. Survivors: his widow, Mrs. Mary Burchett, one dau, three sons Charles, George & John. Burial?

ED IRVY, 39, was killed by Lewis Sukilbide 8 Sept 1933, 30 miles north of Soda. Funeral service 12 Sept 1933 by the Elks Lodge of Blackfoot [Idaho] Burial? Survivors: his widow and one daughter who is residing in Calif.

BEATRICE DAVIS, 6 yr old dau of Mr. & Mrs. Glen Davis of Logan [Utah] formerly of Davisville [Idaho] died 12 Sept 1933. Funeral held in Logan, Utah 15 Sept 1933.

WILLIAM ORGILL, 45 yr old sheepherder of Bancroft [Idaho] died 16 Sept 1933. (Murdered)

J. W. THIRKILL died 18 Sept 1933. Interment in the Eyak Cemetery (In Canada). He was born in Salt Lake City [Utah] 1873 and was married in S.L.C. 1896. They then resided in Cordova. Survivors: wife, two sisters, Mrs. Fred Groves, Mrs. Charles Parker and a brother, Frank Thirkill of Soda – clipping from a Canada paper.

WILLIAM TREMELLING SR. died 1 Oct 1933 at the ranch home of his son, William Tremelling, Jr. Body taken to St. Charles, Idaho where funeral was held 4 Oct 1933 [Burial in St. Charles.]

FRANS SWENSEN, age 79, died 6 Oct 1933 at his home in Soda. He was born in Sweden. Mrs. Swensen died 18 April 1932. Survived by the following children – Swen Swensen, Anthony Swensen, Mrs. Anna Twiss, Mrs. W. A. Behrens. Funeral 9 Oct 1933. Interment in Soda Mound Cemetery.

MRS. NELLIE BURRALL of Ashton, Ida died 13 Oct 1933 at Ogden, Utah hospital. Funeral at Ashton.

CHARLES F. RORK, 54, was killed 2 miles north of Mack’s Inn [Idaho] 15 Oct 1933. He was born in Franksville, Wis 5 Jun 1879. Body was brought to Pocatello [Idaho]. Survivors: widow, Mrs. Jeanette Rork, a son and daughter, Charles F. Rork, Jr. & Alice Rork; a brother Daniel Rork & a sister Mrs. E. E. Gullidge.

DONATO SANCHEZ, 53, of Rupert [Idaho] died at his home at Rupert; died 29 Nov 1933, Funeral 2 Dec. Interment in Rupert City Cemetery. He was born in Spain 9 Dec 1870. Survivors: his widow – two brothers Joe Sanchez of Rupert and one in Spain. Two sisters Mrs. Carmen West, Mackay [Idaho] and one in Spain.

LORETTA SWANSON STERRETT, 21, wife of Clifton Sterrett, died 2 Dec 1933 at Soda Hospital. Mrs. Sterrett was the only child of Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Swanson. She was born 7 Sept 1912 at Gooding, Idaho. Funeral services 5 Dec 1933 at Soda. Interment at Mound Cemetery in Soda.

DANIEL ASHTON HILLMAN, 30, residence (sic) of Alexander [Idaho], died 5 Dec 1933 at the Caribou County Hospital. Mr. Hillman was born in Vernal, Utah 20 Nov 1903, son of Dan H. Hillman and Grace Ashton Hillman. Survived by widow, Mrs. Ora Davis Hillman, and three children – Richard, Beverly Jean and Loretta Joy Hillman, his parents, one brother, Ernest F. Hillman, one sister Mrs. Mary Hillman Rands. Funeral services 7 Dec in Grace Ward & 8 Dec in Salt Lake City [Utah]. Interment in Wasatch Lawn Cemetery in Salt Lake City.

JUDGE LANDI “DICK” C. EASTMAN, age 78, died at his home in Soda 7 Dec 1933. He was born in Oskaloosa, Iowa, 22 Aug 1855. 15 March 1884 he came to Soda Springs, Ida where he met and married Caroline M. Darrien 5 Oct 1885. They were married in Logan, Utah. Born to this marriage Elbert of Portland, Oregon, Mrs. Uther J. Davis of Soda, Mrs. Marguerite Weinberg of Soda, Gorton Eastman of Gerber, Calif & Hugh Eastman who died in 1914. He is also survived by his widow Mrs. L. C. Eastman, 6 grandchildren; 2 sisters Mrs. Ezra Nukolls of Iowa and Mrs. N. J. Brown of Calif. Funeral 10 Dec in Soda.

LELA MYRTLE CHRISTOFFERSON, 35, of Shelly (sic) Idaho, died 11 Dec 1933 in the Soda Hospital. She was born in Goshen, Idaho 24 June 1896, a dau of Jacob A. Teeples and Sarah Burnett Teeples. She married Walter F. Christofferson. Funeral services at Blackfoot, Ida 15 Dec 1933.

WILLIAM C. MUNRO, 79, died 14 Dec 1933 at the Caribou Hospital in Soda Springs. He was born in Graper [Draper], Utah 13 Dec 1854. Funeral held 16 Dec in Soda; burial in the Eight Mile [Idaho] Cemetery beside his wife who died 5 yrs ago.

O.B. O’LANEY, 85, died at his home in Soda 23 Dec 1933. He was born in Tennessee. He was known around town as “Moses”.


MRS. ALICE DRAKE WEST, 42, wife of Alma West, died at her home in Alexander, Ida 1 Jan 1934. She was born in Corinne, Utah 5 April 1892. She moved to Wheelon, Utah where she met and married Alma West 16 Sept 1908. Surviving are four dau - Mrs. Dean Sutton, S.L.C. [Salt Lake City, Utah], Mrs. Francis Simonsen, Idaho Falls [Idaho], Miss Dorothy West, Alexander, & Joy Ann West, Alexander; one son Junior West, Alexander; one grandson Robert Kay Simonsen; her mother Mrs. S. Drake; two brothers Francis Drake and Charles Drake; a sister Mrs. Austin Looke. The funeral in Soda 4 Jan 1934. Body taken to Brigham City, Utah for Interment 5 Jan 1934.

JOSEPH L. HANSEN, 60, of Gentile Valley [Idaho] died at his home 7 Jan 1934. He was born at Soda Springs 17 July 1873. Survived by his widow, three sons and a daughter, Offer, Lowell & Ralph Hansen and Mrs. Louis Elsemore & the following brothers & sisters: Asher Hansen, Mrs. Grant Barney, Romas Hansen, George Hansen, Mrs. Ida Brown, Charles & William Hansen. Funeral held at Grace 10 Jan 1934. Interment in Soda Mound Cemetery at Soda Springs.

MRS. KENNETH RYAN died 11 Jan 1934 at Salt Lake City [Utah] Interment at Beaver, Utah (She was a teacher in Soda).

HENRY CHARLES CHRISTENSEN, 45, died in the Caribou County Hospital 13 Jan 1934. He was born in 1885, a native of Copenhagen, Denmark, son of Christian Christensen and Dorothy Marie Christensen. He married Emma Jensen 18 Feb 1903 in the Logan Temple. Surviving – his widow and the following sons & dau., Dean Christensen, Soda Springs, Mrs. Max Chamber, Dorothy, Gilbert, Devona, Marjorie & Kermit Christensen and his father. Funeral at Grace [Idaho] 16 Jan 1934; burial in Grace City Cemetery.

MARY ELIZABETH TAYLOR, 77, died at her home at Burley, Idaho, 14 Jan 1934. She was born 5 Nov 1856 at Willard, Utah and was married to Thomas Taylor 18 Jan 1875 in the Salt Lake Temple. She was a dau of Mrs. & Mr. Charles Hubbard. Her husband died 26 Aug 1921. Surviving are three dau – Mrs. Irel Goodmunsen, Mrs. John B. Brooks, & Mrs. Alta Smith; four sons – David A. Taylor, Winslow Taylor, Wesley Taylor & Thomas Taylor, Jr. all of Burley. Funeral in Burley & burial in Burley City Cemetery.

THEODORE ENDERS, 69, died 17 March 1934. He was born in Hamburg, Germany 9 Jan 1865. He came to Soda 1884 to operate the Natural Mineral Water Co. After 14 years with the Mineral Water Co. he and his brother William (Billie) engaged in ranch & livestock business in Enoch Valley [Idaho]. Built Enders Hotel. Theodore Enders married Mrs. Mary Lindstrom 22 Dec 1924. Survived by his widow Mrs. Mary Lindstrom Enders and a step son Glen. Funeral services were held 20 March in Soda. Buried in the Mound Cemetery in Soda Springs by the side of his brother William.

ELIZA EMMA KIBBLE, a former residence (sic) of Soda died 24 March 1934 at Boise [Idaho]. Funeral 26 March at Boise, Interment in Morris Hill Cemetery.

CHARLES G. ROSE died 23 March 1934 at his home in Santa Monica, Calif. He was 92 yrs old. He came to Soda in 1871 to help colonize Soda & lived here for 45 yrs. Retired at the age of 77 and went to Calif. Survived by three children, 17 grandchildren & 12 great grand children. The sons are Charles E. Rose, Walter N. Rose and a dau Mrs. J. C. Huff. Funeral in Santa Monica 26 Mar 1934.

MAYME EGER BRANDON [could be Brandson], wife of C. Walt Brandon of Kemmer (sic) [Wyoming] died 22 April 1934 at the Caribou County Hospital in Soda. Body was shipped to Libertyville, Ill. for burial. Survived by her husband, C. Walt Brandson and a son DeLos Brandson, & a grandson Charles Watt II, a sister Mrs. Jay B. Morse, Mrs. Kate Paddock.

W. A. GEORGE, 46, O.S.L. [Oregon Short Line Railroad] telegraph operator at Soda for 13 yrs was killed 6 May 1934 in a plane crash in Soda. He was born in the South 14 Jul 1888. Survived by a step-father in Mississippi and a sister Mrs. H. H. Bodine of Arizona. Body was shipped to Glendale, Arizona.

MRS. RUBY S. WILLIAMS, 56, wife of Leland S. Williams died at the family home at Pocatello [Idaho] 9 May 1934. She was born in Ogden, Utah 15 Nov 1887. She is a relative of Mrs. J. D. Woodall & Mrs. L. C. Eastman. Survived by her husband, two sons, Leland A. Williams, Dale S. Williams; four sisters and brothers, Mrs. C. J. Hansen, Mrs. Frank Vincent, Elmer & Fred Biddle; & her step mother Mrs. Augusta Biddle. Body taken to Ogden, Utah for burial.

MR. CHARLES W. BARNES died 24 May 1934 at the family residence in Soda. Funeral services were held at the family home 26 May 1934. Rev. Vern B. Newhouse conducted services. Burial in the Mound Cemetery in Soda Springs. Charles W. Barnes was born in Pickway, Ohio 11 Sept 1854. He married Alice Fryar 3 Oct 1889 at Soda. Two children were born to them, a dau Clara who preceded her father in death and a son George. He is also survived by his wife and two grandchildren.

EUGENE GOLAY, 63, died at the Caribou County Hospital 6 June 1934. He was born 21 March 1871 at Galena, Mo. He married Millie Alice Plummer 22 Oct 1906. To this union 11 children were born, two of whom preceded their father in death. He moved to Soda 1916. He is survived by his widow Mrs. Millie Golay, four sons, Elmer, Willis, Robert & Lawrence, five daughters, Esther, Frances, Alice, Lila & Arlene, his mother, Mrs. Delilah Golay, three brothers & five sisters. Funeral services 7 Jun in Soda.

MALISSA COLLINS, 73, died at the family residence in Soda 6 June 1934. Survived by two sons, Arthur & Lee and four daughters, Mrs. Vera Gregoire, Mrs. Edgard Andrews, Mrs. Frank Ellis all of Soda and Mrs. Emory Poulsen of Blackfoot [Idaho]. Mrs. Collins will be laid to rest beside her husband in the Pocatello [Idaho] Cemetery. She was born 2 Oct 1860 near Fort Smith, Arkansas, the dau of Hugh and Ellen Fletcher. Her mother, two brothers & a sister were called by death when Malissa (sic) was just three years old. She lived with her father near Duvall’s Bluff for 6 months, then made her home with her grandmother in Tennessee. She came to Gentile Valley [Idaho] 18 Aug 1895. Here she met & married Fred W. Collins 29 Feb 1876 near Lago, Idaho. Mrs. Collins moved to Soda Nov 1932 and resided until her death. Survived by one brother, Rufus Fletcher; four daughters, Mrs. Frank Ellis, Mrs. Edgar Andrus, Mrs. Emory Poulson, and Mrs. Vera Gregoire; two sons, Arthur & Lee, 16 grandchildren. Funeral services at Grace [Idaho], Burial at Pocatello 10 June 1934.

MR. HUGH GREENFIELD SIBBETT of Gray, Idaho, died 7 Jun 1934. Born 8 Dec 1872 at Morgan City, Utah, a son of James L. & Ammanda (sic?) Almeda Simmons Sibbitt (sic). He married Mary Foss. Funeral 9 June at Gray; burial in the Gray Cemetery. Survived by his widow & the following children: Mrs. Fay Leonard, Kenneth Sibbett, Mrs. Ellis Johnson, Roscoe Sibbett, his mother, Mrs. James Sibbett, two brothers Earl Sibbett & Sam Sibbett, 5 sisters, Mrs. Amanda Lincoln, Mrs. Albert Ross, Mrs. August Wakeman, Mrs. Thomas Rowberry, Mrs. Clarence Corbett.

C. ROY FRYAR, 33, was killed in an auto accident a mile south of Preston, Idaho 15 June 1934. He was born in Soda Springs. Survived by his wife, Ined Norstrom Fryar, one son LeRoy 2, a daughter, Cleo Marie 8 and his mother Mrs. August Sanders of Lund, Idaho and his step-mother Mrs. Ella Fryar, a sister, Mrs. Melva Lau and three half brothers, Conrad & Glen of Lund, Frank Fryar of Soda, four half-sisters, Edna, Melba, Betty Jean and Barbara Fryar. Funeral at Preston 18 June 1934. Body was brought to Soda Springs for services & burial in the Mound Cemetery.

MRS. C. G. ROSE died 19 July (1934) at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. J. Huff of San Francisco, Calif. Survived by a daughter Mrs. C. J. Huff & two sons, Charles E. Rose & Walter N. Rose. Interment was in Santa Monica, Calif.

LYNN BELL, son of Mr. & Mrs. O. J. Bell died in Calif 21 July 1934. The body was shipped to Soda Springs 27 July where services were held 28 July and interment made in the Soda Mound Cemetery. He was born at Soda Springs 25 Sept 1894. Survived by his mother Mrs. Margaret Bell, his wife and one daughter, Betty Louise – two sisters, Mrs. Edna Franklin and Mrs. Madge Reid, one brother Mr. Harold Bell of Calif. Lynn Bell was a nephew of Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Woodall.

THE 10 MONTH OLD DAU of Mr. & Mrs. John Burchett of LaHarpe, Kansas died 18 July 1934. Mrs. Burchett was Nellie Burchfield.

MRS. CORA THATCHER, of Thatcher [Idaho] died at the Caribou County Hospital 31 July 1934, She is a sister to Buster Larkins.

W.F. KACKLEY, 79, died at the local hospital in Soda 31 July 1934.He was born in Tennessee 6 Dec1855, a brother to Dr. Ellis Kackley. Body was shipped to Spokane, Washington where funeral services were held 4 Aug. Interment was beside his wife who preceeded (sic) him in death 18 months earlier.

GEORGE G. NELSON, 68, of Davisville died Aug 1934. Funeral 12 Aug 1934 in Soda. He was born in Oxford, Idaho 25 Sept 1865. He married May Eliza Preece 7 Dec 1886. Survived by following children: George A. Nelson, E. P. Nelson, Ella Coble (Mrs. Thomas Coble), Veda West (Mrs. C. J. West), W. L. Nelson, Ivan Nelson, J. I. Nelson, & Virginia Jones (Mrs. Volda R. Jones).; 19 grandchildren – two brothers & four sisters. He was preceded to the grave by his wife, 2 dau & a son.

LAURA JEANE TINGEY, 18, dau of Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Tingey of Gray, Idaho, died 16 Aug 1934, funeral 19 Aug.

W. H. EDWARDS, 81, died at his home 8 miles south of Pocatello [Idaho] 18 Aug 1934. He was born 26 May 1853 in Washington, Iowa. Survived by his widow, Mrs. Lydia Worthman Edwards, a dau, Mrs. Emery Sherbourne, a brother Lon Edwards and a sister, Mrs. Ann McBarne.

SARAH ELIZABETH (BESSIE) LEWIS STOOR, 43, wife of Matt (Mathias) Stoor of Wayan [Idaho] and mother of ten children, died in Soda Springs 19 Aug 1934. She was a dau of Mr. & Mrs. William D. Lewis & Elizabeth Sessions Lewis. Survived by her husband and nine children – 1. Lee Everett, died at 8 mo. Budd Mathias, Louis Emil, Robert William, Wilma Elizabeth, Forde L., Betty Jean, John Devon, Max David, Frank Reed, a sister Mrs. Lyman Hemmert and a brother, Faso S. Lewis Body was taken to Wayan for burial 22 Aug 1934. Born in Bountiful, Utah 24 April 1891. Md. 5 June 1912

MISS THELMA MADSEN, dau of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Madsen of Buhl [Idaho] died at Soda Springs 29 Aug 1934.

RUSSELL GARST died in the Caribou County Hospital 22 Sept 1934. He was born in Nevada, Mo. 16 Feb 1911, a son of Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Garst. He was the coach at the Soda High School. Funeral in Pocatello [Idaho] 24 Sept 1934. Surviving are his parents and a brother Virgil L. Garst.

TAYLOR C. CULLY, died at his home at Chicago, Illinois 24 Sept 1934. He was a former resident of Soda and a brother to Thomas W. Cully of Soda.

MAE FOWLER RICH, 31, wife of Elwood Rich, Burley [Idaho] woolgrower, died at Burley 28 Sept 1934, Interment in Burley City Cemetery. She was born in Hooper, Utah, a dau of Joseph H. Fowler and married Elwood Rich at Ogden [Utah] last May (1933). Surviving are her husband “Slick” Rich, her parents, three brothers J. D. & N. A. Fowler of Burley, J. R. Fowler, Oakley [Idaho]; two sisters Mrs. Floyd Taylor & Ida Fowler.

MRS. CLARA JORDAN of Portland, Oregon, died 17 Oct 1934. She was a sister of Joe F. Miller. Funeral at Portland.

WILLIAM H. AVERY, 64, died at Blackfoot, Idaho 11 Oct 1934. He was born 17 Dec 1934 at Payson, Utah, a son of William H. Avery and Eliza Jane Shepard Avery. Survived by his wife, Eliza M. Durney Avery, his mother, Eliza J. Avery and two children; six stepchildren, three sisters, three brothers. Funeral & burial at Blackfoot.

ALEXANDER ALLENBACK, who has been living with his son Herb, died 26 Nov 1934. He is the father of Mrs. Maylon Lakey of Soda. Body was taken to Montpelier for burial.

EZRA TAFT BENSEN CALDWELL, died 10 Nov 1934. He was born 9 Jan 1852 in Salt Lake City, Utah, the son of Robert Caldwell. He never married. One brother, Martin Van Buren Caldwell was killed on the road from Ft. Laramie to Santa Fe. His father died in Soda Springs Aug 1894. Surviving are the following relatives – a sister, Mrs. Agnes J. Hamilton – nieces & nephews: Harper & June Caldwell, Mrs. Jessie Burton, Mrs. Emma Gay, Mrs. Nettie Haws, Frank Loveless, Mrs. Birdie Howarth, Mrs. Ethel Berrett, Ezera, Bruce & Bert Hamilton, Norma Hamilton, Irene Lenhart, Mrs. W. E. Smith, Mrs. Frank E. Ellis, Arthur & Lee Collins, Mrs. Edgar Andrus, Mrs. Vera Gregaire, & Mrs. Edith Graham, Mrs. Emory Poulson. Funeral service in Pocatello [Idaho]. Interment in the Mountainview Cemetery by the side of two sisters & stepmother.

LEWIS S. POND, 79, died at his home in S.L. City [Salt Lake City, Utah] 16 Nov 1934. He was born in S.L. City 25 Dec 1854, a son of Stillman and Abigail Thorn Pond. He married Julia Ann

Whittle 15 Jan 1879. First President of Bannock Stake. Surviving: his widow Mrs. Julia A. Pond, three sons & six daughters – L. Sumner Pond, Dr. Casper W. Pond, Joseph M. Pond, Mrs. Flora Wright, Mrs. Myrtle Turner, Mrs. Clare Bergstrom, Mrs. Teressa Dunn, Mrs. Abigail Gardner, Miss Eugenia Pond; brothers & sisters, Joseph T. Pond, Martha Pond, Mrs. Francis Huff Driggs, Mrs. Zina Whittle; 3 half brothers, L. C. Pond, Noah S. Pond, M.A. Pond. Buried at Richmond, Utah.

MABEL MARGARET CONDIE, 47, wife of Ernest Condie died at her home at Salt Lake City [Utah] 16 Nov 1934. Service held 20 Nov. Mrs. Condie was born at Soda Springs 14 Aug 1887 a daughter of William and Dora Cates Winschell. Surviving: her husband, two daughters, Afton & June Condie; a son Robert Condie – her mother Dora Cates Winschell; four brothers, Bert Winschell, Harry Winschell, Louis Winschell, Lester Winschell; five sisters, Mrs. Vella Billingsley, Mrs. Elva Skinner, Mrs. Gladys Knowlden, and Mrs. Letta Bouroughs & Mrs. Arzella Nourse.

WILLIS STANLEY BEUS, 10 yrs, son of Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Beus, died at the Caribou County Hospital in Soda Springs 25 Nov 1934 from blood poison (sic). Born at Soda Springs 25 Feb 1924. Surviving are his parents Mr. & Mrs. E.M. Beus, three bro. Jay, Edmund Jr. & Eldon, two sisters, Alice Wilson and Marjie Beus.

AL STALKER of Grace [Idaho] died at the Caribou County Hospital at Soda 18 Dec 1934. He was born at Franklin, Idaho Sept 1866. Survived by widow and 8 children; 6 are married. Funeral services held at Grace 20 Dec 1934.

GEORGE FRANCIS GAGON died in Idaho Falls [Idaho] 14 Dec 1934. He was born in Illinois 78 yrs ago. He had taught school in Soda. His wife died three years ago. Survived by one son, Wendell Gagon, a brother Sam Gagon of Soda. Funeral services held in Blackfoot [Idaho]. Interment at Grove City [Idaho] Cemetery (Near Blackfoot).

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